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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Marriage Equality New York: Gay Straight Black White, Marriage is a Civil Right

Crowd chanting "Gay Straight Black White, Marriage is a Civil Right" and "What do we want? Marriage Equality. When do we want it? Now." 

Recorded during the NYC Lighting the Way to Equality candle light vigil organized by the Marriage Equality New York, a non-profit all-inclusive organization whose mission is to educate the public by raising awareness of the important right of all persons to enter into legally recognized gender neutral civil marriage with all the benefits and responsibilities that entails.

How I did it

This track was possible mostly because of Ableton Live's ability to wrap beats with not just sound but the video also - this allows me to properly align the crowd chant which is not really on the beat.

Both the video and the soundtrack is licensed CC-BY-SA. You can download it the 720p WMV on Vimeo, and the 148 BPM WAV file is on SoundCloud:

Marriage Equality New York

Marriage Equality New York is an all-inclusive organization whose mission is to educate the public by raising awareness of the important right of all persons to enter into legally recognized gender neutral civil marriage with all the benefits and responsibilities that entails.

Without marriage, committed same-sex couples are denied over 1,138 federal rights and obligations including social security, hospital visitation, co-parenting rights, estate tax, and immigration, just to name a few.

Posted via email from SML Posterous

1 comment:

Dan Collier said...

Terrific vid, nice stuff! How long, you wonder, before this fight for marriage equality has been won? Man ...