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Friday, October 9, 2009

Best gay artists on Flickr

I have been on Flickr for quite a while and I have met countless inspiring gay artists on Flickr whom I follow on a daily basis. Here are a few who caught my eyes over the years:

male ®

It's Britney bitch (by male ®)

Tote bag by male ®  (by male ®)

madonna by male® (by male ®)


Tooker: Waiting Room, 1969 - a ReVision (by centaurpics)

Moon Kiss (by centaurpics)

Correggio: Danae, a revision (by centaurpics)


b020209 (by bodirkley)

081109 (by bodirkley)

020509 (by bodirkley)

Ismael Álvarez

Bakala Duo (by Ismael Álvarez)

Blonde (by Ismael Álvarez)

Melancolía en Londres (by Ismael Álvarez)

Do you know of anyone that I have missed? Let me know by leaving a comment below!


Travis said...

Thank you for considering my work worthy of a place on this site!

Especially nice considering your own artistic and technical abilities.


SML said...

@Centaurpics You are very welcome! And thanks for the nod to my work!!!


Unknown said...

Fabulous photography and artwork. Thank you for the links. Great blog SML.

SML said...

@Iván Abrego (ivanfilios)

You're very welcome!


SML said...

@Iván Abrego (ivanfilios)

You're very welcome!


See-ming Lee 李思明 SML said...

Thanks I just saw this! Sorry I haven't really been keeping this site up to date!

See-ming Lee 李思明 SML said...

wow really interesting stuff – sorry I haven't been moderating this blog for a while – just revisited this :)